Hello World!

Thanks for stopping by! I've created this blog so I have a special place to keep all of my thoughts on the childbearing year (conception through the postpartum period).

I think a good place to start is by sharing with you my thoughts on birth!

I believe birth is a normal process. The vast majority of pregnancies (those deemed low risk) would be better handled by an experienced Midwife. Birth has the power to transform, to be inspirational, and to heal past trauma and doubt.  I believe that many common ailments and conditions related to pregnancy can and should be treated with diet as a first response.  I also believe that women are naturally powerful, we are created with the ability to nurture and grow life from seed to glorious maturity, and with very little in the way of tools!

In short I think that with all the good our technological advancements have brought, they are also placing us on a  backwards track.  We trade simplicity for the hope of convenience, and its not always the best answer. So my goal is to share with you what I learn as I continue my long journey toward unlearning all of the "normal" ways of giving birth.