
So here we are, four days postpartum. It has been so nice that my family just seems to have blended smoothly. I had expected a bit of jealousy from my two year old, but she is absolutely taken with her new little brother. The biggest battle so far has been in getting them to not smother their new little brother in hugs and kisses.

It hasn't been all good though.  Avery has a bit of jaundice, due to our differing blood types I presume. As a precaution I thought it best to make him an appointment with a pediatrician.  During the course of my conversations with various people in the medical field I began to question my actions.  Was I really doing the best thing by not having my child in a hospital? Was I a terrible mom?

Not my most shining hour.  Self doubt due to the unusual circumstances of my child's delivery. Then my amazing hubby reminded me that I took the time to research and learn all that I could over the last several years just so I could give our child the best possible start. So I took a rescue remedy and went to work encapsulating my placenta.

My mother and brother came to help out with the adjustment, and it was really nice to have the time to be mellow, have help cleaning and cooking and the like. Its times like this that I really dislike the distance from them. 

Then the sweetest reminder of all came in the mail.  A woman whom I've never met but consider a great friend sent me a sling that I'd been admiring.  Opening the flood gates all over again. I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a great support system.  People that will lift me up when I feel down and who love me for all of my quarks.

This week has been amazing. Full of love and insights into myself, and those closest to me. Adding and strengthening my family, and my beliefs.

The amazing home birth of Avery

Wow, just wow.  I'm just swooning.  The beginning doesn't start with contractions...

I had been having prodromal labor. At first it was no big deal, but in the last two weeks I had two episodes that I thought were the real thing. Nothing concrete, but still, enough to make me think that things were happening. Saturday I went a bit batty. That is something that seems to prelude each birth I've had! Hubby says that he knows that with in a day or so of my crazy hormonal outburst that I'll be in labor.

So I decided on Sunday that I needed to reground. I spent the afternoon slowly walking the garden store and Target alone. Sweet brain juice that alone time. Then when the children were in bed, I turned off the lights, turned on my birth playlist and lit a lavender candle.  I read through some birth affirmations and spent some time looking at scriptures.  I decided it was beyond time that I let go completely to God.

I went to sleep easily, and slept through till 2:20am. I woke up to cramping, nothing unbearable, but not a typical pregnancy complaint of mine. I lied awake for about 15 minutes and my contractions started. Intense and long, lasting about 50seconds and between 2 and 3 minutes apart.  I worked through them alone for an hour, and they slowed to about 10 minutes apart. I was overwhelmed with the need to sleep, so I decided to go back to bed.  Waking every few minutes for contractions.

At about 4am the intensity was increasing, and hubby woke with me (or to me) working through contractions. We got up and began preparing for what I thought would be a fairly long day. Over the last couple days I've been so content to just sit on the toilet.  With as deeply engaged as Avery had become a place of solace.  I kept trying to move back into our bedroom, but just couldn't get comfortable.  Its here where time alludes me.

Probably about 5:30 or so I couldn't get out of the bathroom, the breaks were short, and transition was either happening or nearing.  I told hubby to get out the birth kit, as I thought it was going to happen soon.  After telling him I was just going to give birth on the toilet, I asked hubby to run the bath.  I thought the warm water on my perineum would be good, and the bath didn't get but a couple of inches of water in it before I was in there.  Heaven! The water only got about half filled before I felt my body begin pushing with each contraction. It took me a bit to find a comfortable position, which wound up being a frog squat.  Just a little help with one contraction, and his head was out.  Next contraction our son was born swimming.  Probably only about 5 minutes of pushing.

We waited a couple minutes for me to gain some strength and headed for bed.  I delivered the placenta about 30minutes later.  My bleeding has been minimal and I've only got some "skid marks", no significant tearing.  Avery weighs about 6.5lbs, 19 inches long and 13inch head circumference. He was born at 38 weeks 5 days gestation, and appears full term. He only has a small spot of vernix on the top of his head, his nails are long. He's a great nurser! I've not had any of the pain that I typically get from nursing a newborn.  Maybe its experience, but he's going strong.  A bit sleepy, and its been tough to get him to wake, but I think it may have to do with the speed of the delivery.  My shortest prior to this was 5 hours of active labor, this was merely two!

I'm so thrilled that we were able to do this.  I have my unequivical proof that birth is a normal event, and that my body if left alone will deliver quickly and easily.  I'm elated.  I'm proud. I'm on top of the world.  I'm truly blessed!

But if we decide to expand the family, I will pay more attention to my postpartum! Hubby was not able to get away from work, and that left me alone with the children for the night, but wow, I would do this again in a heart beat!