Free Birth Ed? Are you serious?

In my mind I often dream up the perfect world for birthing women. In this world budding families are surrounded by loving attendants, doting on the parents every need during labor.  Free of cords and hoses and cold sterile rooms. There are no time tables for laboring moms, no pressure to preform to arbitrary standards and protocols.

In my perfect birthing world couples seek out independent childbirth classes. They learn not only hospital procedures and emergency services but how to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace their intuitions. They learn to get to know their bodies, even before they become pregnant. Moms and dads learn to connect through the hormones and become closer than ever.

Reality isn't quite so pretty.  We have protocols and income restraints and limits on insurance coverage. We have time issues and we are taught that we don't need to know how to birth, or even that we can on our own without the aid of full hospital staff ready with drugs and scalpels.

I've thought hard about how I can combat the system and change the american birth world, and I consistently come up short, but I think I have it, or at least a start.

I'm going to offer free courses, based on the needs of couples looking for something more natural than the current system of things.  Due to financial constraints this will all be done over Skype, google+ or in my home.  I will not be handing out my extensive childbirth curriculum for free, but I do want to help as many couples as I can.

Here's the catch, I ask that each couple that does take me up on my offer pay it forward and change their world one act at a time.

So, what do you think?