Weaning, hormones, and placenta tincture

I've nursed 4 kids for a grand total of 60 months, and I never noticed the hormonal fluctuations that come with weaning. I blame this on thyroid dysfunction when my first was forcibly weaned at 4 months, and my next two were weaned while I was in my first trimester.

This time, I'm not dealing with thyroid problems, and I'm not pregnant; so now that my 26 month old has decided that he is through with the momma milk, I get to experience the joy that is hormonal flux. It took me a couple days to realize what is going on, but I opted to try the tincture that I had crafted from some of my placenta powder.

First off, my symptoms:
  • Extreme fatigue. Like to the point of no matter how much I slept I needed more. I probably could have slept a week!
  • Feeling faint. A bit of a hot flash then a rush like I was spinning with out the vertigo.  Not fun.
  • Irritability. You know, the sobbing mess followed by fits of unadulterated rage. Fun stuff these hormones.
So then the tincture came into play.  I cant say that I'm out of the hormonal soup yet, its been five days since I last nursed and I still have some milk, but I have noticed a difference when I do take it.

For instance, this morning I was feeling particularly weak, within seconds of taking the tincture I felt more energy. After a half hour, and some much needed breakfast, I feel fine.

So the moral of my story, placentas are awesome and not just for baby in utero or moms in the immediate postpartum, the implications on mom's overall well being are astounding!  Placenta for the win! 

Free Birth Ed? Are you serious?

In my mind I often dream up the perfect world for birthing women. In this world budding families are surrounded by loving attendants, doting on the parents every need during labor.  Free of cords and hoses and cold sterile rooms. There are no time tables for laboring moms, no pressure to preform to arbitrary standards and protocols.

In my perfect birthing world couples seek out independent childbirth classes. They learn not only hospital procedures and emergency services but how to tap into their inner wisdom and embrace their intuitions. They learn to get to know their bodies, even before they become pregnant. Moms and dads learn to connect through the hormones and become closer than ever.

Reality isn't quite so pretty.  We have protocols and income restraints and limits on insurance coverage. We have time issues and we are taught that we don't need to know how to birth, or even that we can on our own without the aid of full hospital staff ready with drugs and scalpels.

I've thought hard about how I can combat the system and change the american birth world, and I consistently come up short, but I think I have it, or at least a start.

I'm going to offer free courses, based on the needs of couples looking for something more natural than the current system of things.  Due to financial constraints this will all be done over Skype, google+ or in my home.  I will not be handing out my extensive childbirth curriculum for free, but I do want to help as many couples as I can.

Here's the catch, I ask that each couple that does take me up on my offer pay it forward and change their world one act at a time.

So, what do you think?

Homebirth Anniversary!

As I celebrate the birth of my youngest son I am also remembering the anniversary of my first completely normal birth.  My boy's entrance was rapid and peaceful, terrifying and joyful, and completely unforgettable  as most births are.

It was through his birth that I realized just how much birth means to me.  You see, I'm not fond of being pregnant.  I feel bulbous and slow, just plain uncomfortable when I'm not in pain or ill. Birth though, is a rite of passage, each and every time.  

Each birth, I become a new woman, a new mother and I am charged with the care of a new life.  It is a beautiful and amazing act, one that is so very often overlooked.  We don't look at the people who cared and nurtured these new lives, giving their whole body and soul, we fixate on the new little person.

In embarking on this journey of motherhood, I have endured physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes. I am not the being that once was, I am rebirthed with each child. It is a truly remarkable journey that I should hope every woman gets to embrace fully and with love and complete joy!

So, tell me; In what ways has your birthing journey changed you?

It warms my heart...

My job is one of pure joy.  I love being able too help out families and pass on the knowledge I've accrued over the years.  It has been enough to sit with couples and talk about what they are about to experience, even if they have been there before, but some days I get that ego boost from someone I've helped and it makes my heart sing!

Here is a review from a past client:

"My husband and I learned a lot from taking a natural birth education class. I didn't think I would remember anything in the midst of labor but was eager to soak up as much as I could. I had a short and fast labor, but everything Krystle taught my husband and I came flooding back as soon as my water broke and things go moving. My husband was the first to remember something from what we learned. He immediately started timing contractions and made sure everything was prepped for our ride to the hospital. While in labor he would tell me to keep my moans to a low tone and to relax, all things we learned from Krystle. She also taught us how to communicate as a couple so we could move together through labor. My husband constantly would check my pain level and comfort me the best he could to ensure I was moving through labor with ease. He even remember that when I started asking for drugs that I was in transition and this would be when I needed him most. I think what I remembered the most from the class was how my body would feel and react during transition since this seemed to be the hardest part of labor for me. I also recall that I needed to keep my face and body as relaxed as possible and to remember that contractions were not something to be fear but embraced because each one was bringing me closer to my baby. Overall our class prepared my husband and I for our most challenging yet enjoyable experience. We were both able to communicate well and truly enjoy the experience of giving birth to our child because Krystle educated us so well on what to expect, how to react and what each of our roles would be. We are forever grateful to her and would love and plan to use her again in the future."
Who could ask for a better job? It doesn't hurt that I have the best clients either!

Spring time is coming!

Yesterday I basked in sunshine and warmth of an early Colorado spring for the first time in years and it was delightful! I began to think about how I plan to turn my small front yard into a garden and the plants that I will  put into it, and all the spring babies that are coming!

I have scheduled the first official meeting for the Northern Colorado Natural Birth and Parenting group on Facebook (please join the group for details) with the topic of discussion likely being new babies and gardens!  I hope to see you there!


The facebook page has made it to 100 likes so as a congratulations I am giving  $15 off any product in the store (beautiful ring slings to be added soon!) or 25% off any service I offer!  Here is how you enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You have one week! Winner will be announced next Saturday.


Hello again,

It's been a while since we last spoke.  Since then, I've moved from Tennessee to lovely Colorado!  I'm plugging away at getting a decent website going and I'm now able to file for insurance reimbursement! So if money was standing in the way of your choice to receive quality education in all things natural birth, I can help with that.  Regardless please don't let finances get in the way, let me know what your situation is and I will be happy to help you in any way I can!

In other exciting news, I will be adding Doula services this year!