It warms my heart...

My job is one of pure joy.  I love being able too help out families and pass on the knowledge I've accrued over the years.  It has been enough to sit with couples and talk about what they are about to experience, even if they have been there before, but some days I get that ego boost from someone I've helped and it makes my heart sing!

Here is a review from a past client:

"My husband and I learned a lot from taking a natural birth education class. I didn't think I would remember anything in the midst of labor but was eager to soak up as much as I could. I had a short and fast labor, but everything Krystle taught my husband and I came flooding back as soon as my water broke and things go moving. My husband was the first to remember something from what we learned. He immediately started timing contractions and made sure everything was prepped for our ride to the hospital. While in labor he would tell me to keep my moans to a low tone and to relax, all things we learned from Krystle. She also taught us how to communicate as a couple so we could move together through labor. My husband constantly would check my pain level and comfort me the best he could to ensure I was moving through labor with ease. He even remember that when I started asking for drugs that I was in transition and this would be when I needed him most. I think what I remembered the most from the class was how my body would feel and react during transition since this seemed to be the hardest part of labor for me. I also recall that I needed to keep my face and body as relaxed as possible and to remember that contractions were not something to be fear but embraced because each one was bringing me closer to my baby. Overall our class prepared my husband and I for our most challenging yet enjoyable experience. We were both able to communicate well and truly enjoy the experience of giving birth to our child because Krystle educated us so well on what to expect, how to react and what each of our roles would be. We are forever grateful to her and would love and plan to use her again in the future."
Who could ask for a better job? It doesn't hurt that I have the best clients either!

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